Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Dear family and friends,

      Thank you so much for sending me the package of CDs.  It's at the mission office and when I go there on Thursday I will pick it up.  It's super foggy outside today, and it's even hard to see when you are traveling on the bus.  I can't  believe it's another Monday.  This past week was the busiest week of them all.  The whole mission worked on teaching the most they have ever taught, and i don't even know where to begin to tell you all about this week.  

     I will share an experience that has really touched me though.  This lady we met had referred herself to the missionaries that was in a different mission area.  She felt pressure and so she eventually stopped meeting with them.  A year later she was still searching for the right church and decided to give the LDS church another try.  So we called her and set up an appointment with her to meet.  To make things comfortable, and because we only had a short time to meet, we decided to meet up at a cafe.  As soon as she walked in she went right to business.  Without even asking our names or any introduction about herself, she started asking questions about specific verses in the Bible.  Then she asked THE QUESTIONS, "So man made this spoon to eat with right?  Man made this pen to write with right?  Man made this chair to sit on right?  So why did God make so many DIFFERENT CHURCHES?  So we can all suffer in ignorance?"   I just got this huge smile on my face and tears ran down my cheeks as I told her that we have the answer to that question.  She was softened and didn't say a word as she listened to what we had to say.  I was overwhelmed with the spirit as well as she.  We then told her that we have one request while we meet.  We will teach her a lot of things and she can ask questions, but she needs to pray every day and read the scriptures every day.  Doing those things is vital to REALLY knowing if this church is true or not.   I said we will meet and if by the time we are done and you did those things with real intent, if you are still not interested you can go your way and know we will not call you any more.  She agreed to do all those things.  We set up a time to meet and then went our way.  I know that this Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true and restored church on the earth today.  It just makes sense, and my heart swells within me when I ponder the words of Christ.  I love it so much and can not wait to tell this woman more about it.:)

     The next day after we met that woman at the cafe, was Sunday, and I was sitting in church.  The last speaker got up to speak and he is known in the church for his low rich voice.  It was just fascinating listening to him.  He spoke very clearly and slowly so I was able to understand a lot of what he was saying.  As I was listening to him, I was thinking about the woman we had just met up with the day before, and how it would be nice to bring a Korean member to meet up with her for the next lesson.  This woman had a lot of questions about things that are very difficult to fully explain in Korean.  So as I was listening I had this distinct impression that I needed to have the man that was speaking come with us and help be a part of the next lesson with that woman.  Then I thought, "No……That is a dumb idea because he is a man and she needs a woman and a friend."  This STRONG FEELING came inside me and I felt like I could barely breath.  I felt something TOO BIG inside of me, and that it was going to burst out of me because it was too big.  Tears came to my eyes and I felt this comfort and the spirit say to me, "Listen!  God knows what He is doing.  Trust Him."   After Sacrament Meeting was over I walked up to the man and I asked him if he would help us out and he said he would love to.  I told my companion later that night and she knew that it was right the instant I said his name.  When the spirit speaks, LISTEN.  God knows all and we need to obey His command, even when it's something you don't expect.

     Today normally would be P day but it isn't because we are going to the temple on Thursday.  So that day will be our P day:)  We will have a big Zone activity and that will be great.

     The cream I got for my foot has worked like magic, and the whole infected bug bite is gone and………I haven't run out yet.  The BIG QUESTION is when I run out of the medicine, we will see if it comes back.  I don't feel like there is any infection going on inside my body.  I haven't had the chance to call an herbal Doctor but I am planning on doing it.  This week has been one of our busiest weeks.

     We met with our investigator that was planning to be baptized this month who is 22 years old that I told you about.  She said to us that she is too scared and has some worries so we had to postpone the baptism.  I'm so sad but I know that everything in time will be ok.  Heavenly Father knows what He is doing.

     My canker sore went away……….finally………haha!!  I hate those things haha!!!  My diet is doing good I guess.  I have a cold but it's not too bad, and it's because of the change of weather, but I'll be fine.  My companion does not eat too healthy.  She hates vegetables and it's really hard for her to eat well.

     I am trying to write more often in my journal.  I did every day for the first year and then I stopped, and I am trying to do my best now and write each night.  By the way last P day I bleached the roots on my hair and it turned out great!!!!! I am so happy with how it turned out.  I did it at home while my companion slept.  I will send a picture.

     The next main holiday is at the end of February, and often on holidays here in Korea you will see the people dress up in their traditional Korean clothing.   It's very interesting how much their culture means to this country.
     You asked me if some of the Koreans look me up on FB?  Yes, they do all the time and often they will start pulling up my FB and music videos and say, "IS THIS YOU??"  It's funny because they can't understand why I'm in Korea and not performing in the U.S instead.  haha!!  I love my mission and wouldn't trade it for anything.

     You asked me about Christmas.  Personal items would be great, and a stocking, but REALLY, I just want you to save everything and wrap it up, and have it in my room when I come home.  Just send me a few things, and I really don't care what you send me.  Things that won't take too much room in the luggage.

     I want you to know how much I love these Korean people.  I love how they bow to each other to show respect, and how they sit on the ground.  I love their kimchi, and I love their beautiful language, and just everything about them.  I have been thinking about all that I have learned since I have been on this mission.  My views on life have really changed.  I don't have enough time to write everything, but I know this, I am NOT giving my children smart phones until they are way older and I am going to raise them just as you raised us.  I definitely want to home school my children if I could, and I will ALWAYS have family night.  I want to make sure we read the Book of Mormon to my children every day, and I want my kids to be strong in the Gospel more than ANYTHING ELSE in this world.  That is the most important thing.

     I want you all to know how much I really do love you and am so thankful for everything you do for me.  I pray for each and every one of you by name every day.  Don't ever think I forget about you.  After all, you are my family, and you are all I got!:)  Please be strong, healthy, and happy!!  I will talk to you next week.:)

                                                                   Love ya, Michelle

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